Ordinance 2025-1
ORDINANCE NO. 2025-1 – under consideration on January 6, 2025 at approximately 6:45PM.
WHEREAS, pursuant to its authority pursuant to Section 2328 of the Second Class Township Code (53 P.S. Section 67328), and also 75 Pa. C.S.A. Section 3353, 6109, and 6122, in the interests of the Township and by exercise of its police powers, hereby authorizes the posting of no parking signs and prohibits parking along both sides SR-3001 (Newton Ransom Boulevard) by the Abington Heights Middle School.
WHEREAS, in accordance with its authority as stated above, the Township has determined it appropriate and in the best interest of the Township to prohibit parking and to post no parking signs along the referenced section of SR-3001 (Newton Ransom Blvd.), including because parking along the referenced roadway has caused congestion and safety concerns.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Newton Township Board of Supervisors, that:
Section 1. From the effective date of this Ordinance, parking shall be prohibited along both sides of SR 3001 (Newton Ransom Blvd.), along the property of Abington Heights Middle School;
Section 2. The Township shall erect and install appropriate no parking signs in accordance with applicable state regulations;
Section 3: Any person violating this Ordinance shall be guilty of a summary offense and subject to a fine up to $50.00 and other appropriate remedies as allowed by state law (including removal of the vehicle at the vehicle owner’s expense).
This Ordinance shall be effective five (5) days following adoption and enactment by the Board of Supervisors as reflected below.
ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Newton Township Board of Supervisors on this 6th day of January, 2025.
Flood Relief
Dear Residents:
The Township has received information regarding a tax break for township, county and school taxes. The forms and additional information is attached. A check in the amount of $35 must be included with the forms. You will then receive, via mail, a date and time for your appeal hearing. You will need pictures of the damage you have sustained due to the flood in September, 2023.
Township Office Closed:
The township office will be closed Wednesday, April 10, 2024 and will reopen Monday, April 22, 2024. Emails and phone calls will be answered as soon as possible.
Low-interest loans available for September, 2023 flooding victims:
The county is holding an onsite program at Weston Fieldhouse April 10-13 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. If a resident is to apply for a loan but are denied, grants may be given out. This is something that residents should be looking into.
Governor Secures Loan Deadline Extension for NEPA Flood Survivors
Shapiro Administration Secures Deadline Extension for Northeast Pennsylvania Flood Survivors to Apply for Low-interest Loans
Thanks to the Shapiro Administration’s Action, September 2023 Flood Survivors Now Have Until April 24, 2024, to Apply for Low-interest Loans in Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties
Harrisburg, PA – The Shapiro Administration has secured an extension from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for survivors of the devastating flooding on September 9, 2023, to apply for financial assistance for physical damages. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) requested an extension to the March 25, 2024, deadline last week.
The new deadline to return physical damage disaster loan applications is Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The Friday, October 25, 2024, deadline to return economic injury disaster loan (EIDL) applications remains unchanged.
“We requested this deadline extension to give flood survivors in Northeastern PA additional time to apply for low-interest loans as they continue on a path to recovery,” said Governor Shapiro. “I stand committed to helping Pennsylvanians rebuild stronger than before, and access to low interest loans from the federal government can help homeowners and business owners get the support they need to recoup these unforeseen losses.”
The SBA’s Disaster Loan program provides low-interest loans for homeowners, renters, private non-profits, and businesses located in disaster declared counties who sustained damages from flooding. The SBA can provide up to $500,000 for homeowners to replace or repair their primary residences and up to $100,000 for homeowners and renters to replace or repair personal property. Businesses and most private non-profits may apply for up to $2 million to cover disaster losses not fully covered by insurance.
Additionally, small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, and most private nonprofit organizations located in the declared disaster area that have suffered substantial economic injury may be eligible for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL).
The SBA offers long-term repayment options to keep payments affordable, with terms up to a maximum of 30 years. Terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, based upon each borrower’s ability to repay. View details about the SBA’s disaster declaration for the September 9, 2023, flooding here.
Applicants may immediately obtain information and loan applications by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (1-800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing), or by emailing DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov and referencing Disaster Declaration #20166 and #20167.
Alternatively, loan applications can be downloaded at sba.gov/disaster and completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Affected homeowners and renters are strongly encouraged to complete the SBA disaster loan application, as those who do not qualify for an SBA loan may later be eligible for other assistance.
PEMA’s Public Damage Assessment Link
Edited Post regarding storm damage – PLEASE READ
Newton Township Residents- PLEASE READ
Yesterday, the Township Supervisors participated in a meeting with Lackawanna Emergency Management Agency. The Emergency Management Agency is responsible for the judicious planning, assignment, and coordination of all available resources in an integrated program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies of any kind, whether from enemy attack, man-made or natural resources. During this meeting, discussion took place regarding Individual Assistance Programs. In the event of a Presidential Declaration of Major Disaster, the Individual Assistance program provides help for individuals, businesses, homeowners, and renters as they recover from disasters. These programs are largely funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), although other federal, state, and local agencies support the overall Individual Assistance program.
To learn more about this possible program being available to residents, please visit https://www.pema.pa.gov/…/Individual…/Pages/default.aspx
Please note, that Newton Township, along with all agencies in Pennsylvania will be working tirelessly to fight for the Individual Assistance program. However, nothing is guaranteed, and it will take time for this to be sorted out. In the meantime, we highly recommend that residents of Newton Township document everything associated with storm damage. This includes pictures, record keeping, receipts, etc. Residents should keep detailed information on all damage and repairs so information is ready when needed. Over the next few days, the township will continue to assess damage throughout our municipality. We are asking residents not to call the township office as we are still collecting more information on how to proceed.
What we are beginning to collect is basic information from residents in Newton township who have been affected by the storm. If a resident has property, home or any damages related to the storm please provide the following information to the township via an email. This does include renter’s. If you are unable to send information via email, you may stop in the township building and provide the information to the township secretary. The following information is being requested at this time:
Name, Address of property/Home, Email address, Phone # and Damage
Please email all information to:
Subject line of email: RESIDENT STORM DAMAGE
In the email body: Name, address, phone #, email address
Please indicate the damage using the information in the photo (Affected, Minor, Major, Destroyed). NOTE: There are 2 separate classifications, Conventionally Built & Manufactured.
At this time, cost estimates and specific damages are not needed but be sure you keep that information in your records. Once the township gathers all the information, we will submit it to the proper agencies.
Doug Pallman
Chairman, Newton Township board of supervisors

Newton Township Residents
This morning, the township supervisors participated in a meeting with Lackawanna Emergency Management Agency. The Emergency Management Agency is responsible for the judicious planning, assignment, and coordination of all available resources in an integrated program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies of any kind, whether from enemy attack, man-made or natural resources. During this meeting, discussion took place regarding Individual Assistance Programs. In the event of a Presidential Declaration of Major Disaster, the Individual Assistance program provides help for individuals, businesses, homeowners, and renters as they recover from disasters. These programs are largely funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), although other federal, state, and local agencies support the overall Individual Assistance program. To learn more about this possible program being available to residents, please visit https://www.pema.pa.gov/Recovery/Individual-Assistance/Pages/default.aspx. Please note, that Newton Township, along with all agencies in Pennsylvania will be working tirelessly to fight for the Individual Assistance program. However, nothing is guaranteed, and it will take time for this to be sorted out.
In the meantime, we highly recommend that residents of Newton Township document everything associated with storm damage. This includes pictures, record keeping, receipts, etc. Residents should keep detailed information of all damage and repairs to have information ready when needed.
Over the next few days, the township will continue to assess damage throughout our municipality. We are asking residents not to call the township office as we are still collecting more information on how to proceed. What we are beginning to collect is basic information from residents in Newton township who have been affected by the storm. If a resident has property, home or any damages related to the storm please provide the following information to the township via an email. If you are unable to send information via email, you may stop in the township building and provide the information to the township secretary. The township would like to put together a list of homes that were damaged by the storm. Here is the information being requested at this time:
Name, Address of property/Home, Email address, Phone #
At this time, cost estimates are not needed but be sure you keep that information in your records. Once the township gathers all the information, we will submit it to the proper agencies.
Douglas B Pallman
Chairman, Newton Township Board of Supervisors
1528 Newton Ransom Blvd.
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Ext. 1